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Browse our Wildlife Cartoons

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  • Dog Spinning Instructor wears bunny suit to motivate class to pedal faster.
  • Anteater watches video on laptop of anteaters eating fire ants in viral challenge online.
  • Rabbit boyfriend stands still to avoid meeting girlfriend’s parents.
  • Raccoon and rabbit at beach play rock-paper-scissors to decide who applies sunblock to porcupine’s spiny back.
  • Cats in pet store overnight hit piñata party game filled with rodent mice and gerbils as treats.
  • Scientist reads bad one star review of confusing maze experiment posted online by lab mouse with smartphone.
  • Beaver eats parody Post brand post wooden log cereal for breakfast.
  • Mouse caught by cat yells “you said the coast was clear!” at mouse in hole reading sunny and breezy coastal weather forecast on cellphone app.
  • Big dog baseball pitcher tells coach to try hitting little Chihuahua team batters’ small strikes zones himself.
  • Ferocious leopard claws out of Leopardy Jeopardy spoof parody quiz show game box showing injured man hurt by cat scratches.
  • Dog baseball coach tells pitcher that excited dog player at bat expects a walk.
  • Buffalo driver passes police sobriety test because no part was wasted.