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Browse our Fish Cartoons

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  • Woman tells friend she goes into isolation chamber in her home when she wants to make tuna sandwich because she has house full of cats.
  • Fish parents tell daughter when she comes in door she can't deny it, they know she's been out with piranha, daughter has bite in body.
  • Two men fishing in boat, one drinking beer says he's been coming there for years, fishing is getting worse, under water is pile of cans.
  • Fish two days after the Boston Tea Party, and the tea being dumped in the water, are telling each other how they are wired up.
  • Mouse playing joke on another mouse, shows him cheesecake that's a short jump away, mouse doesn't know he tied his tail to the window shade.
  • Clams take Cleo to bachelor party at On The Halfshell with live, saucy clams, clam digs, chowder wrestling, Cleo worries he will catch red tide.
  • Cat shopping for cake mix can't make up his mind which flavor, includes goldfish, mouse, tune, sparrow, canary, pigeon, rodent, and more.
  • Boy's marine biology homework eats his dog.
  • Colleagues doubt scientist's claim of discovering 2-headed squid since it's 2 squids and a belt.