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You searched for: sits

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Shopping addict cat compulsively buys wasted things in trash for cardboard box deliveries.
  • Pet owner walks in awkward chair squat to appointment with kitty asleep on lap.
  • Excited box shopper cats line up for new Container Store grand opening.
  • Man on phone with cat napping on lap complains it’s a good reason to miss jury duty.
  • Guy’s smartwatch says time to move so literally he packs and moves his home.
  • Work shirking couch potato sharks watch television underwater for Shirk Week.
  • Sneaky cat calculates math equation distance & angle to avoid owner’s reach to pet.
  • Star Wars Luke Skywalker’s training by Yoda with cat in lap delayed by unwritten rules of the force.
  • Restaurant waitress asks ant eater if unhappy with cake order but it’s waiting patiently for ants.
  • Package stealing kitty peeks out window at confused man with delivered order dumped in yard.
  • Partying cats sleep & sit in boxes at New Year’s B.Y.O.B. bring your own box gathering.
  • Lazy shark husband in chair watching television tells wife did frenzy attack last week & wants to stay home.

You searched for: sits