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You searched for: simon

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Marty Pants is out of luck in wizard battle when bookstore is out of stock of the book he needs to defeat the wizard Simon.
  • A man gets run over at a Simon Says crosswalk.
  • To avoid embarrassment, Alyssa wears a summer background to look photoshopped.
  • Simon and his brother Cornelius try to buy pies.
  • Simon Cowell is still judging music while in retirement.
  • The cartoonist updates nursery rhymes for the modern era.
  • The traffic administration keeps track of who wins when their employees fight.
  • A chapstick factory relocates to be near Steven Tyler, Carly Simon, and Mick Jagger to increase profits.
  • Mr. Potato Head keeps a "close eye" on his wife's love affair by leaving one of his eyes on the table to see if she's cheating.

You searched for: simon