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You searched for: old-fashioned

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Candy canes have been replaced by candy motor scooters.
  • Kids are surprised to find out you can play dreidel in real life as well as on your phone.
  • A broom reassures a book in a bar that smartphones won't make it obsolete.
  • A computer asks a man with outdated fashion if he wants to update his style.
  • Cell phones gossip that old style phone never leaves the house.
  • Surgeon is still using old operating system with large blade and without anesthesia on patients.
  • Angels jealous as new arrival sports jet pack instead of wings.
  • Man doesn't know how to return a virtual snowball.
  • A band without electronic hand claps cannot clap their hands the old-fashioned way.
  • Early flip cell phones were large and clunky compared to today's smaller mobile phones.
  • A man gets a walkman that takes CDs, but everyone around him has moved on to MP3 players.
  • A ram's big horns are out of style.

You searched for: old-fashioned