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You searched for: obstacle

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Golfer says ball pouncing kitty at hole golf course’s most challenging hazard.
  • Robot in driverless car pulled over tells police it can’t see crosswalks or traffic lights unsafe driving excuse.
  • Shopping cart gamer plays parking lot spot blocking video game.
  • Golfers don't think they'll be able to get past the tickling man hazard on the golf course.
  • A fish evolves legs, but a shark bites them off.
  • Risk taking mouse wants to sneak into room of sleeping cats to get cheese.
  • Parkour video on YouTube inspires Humpty Dumpty's big fall.
  • Mouse misses the traditional maze when given difficult obstacle course to complete.
  • Reality television show features unrealistic situations.
  • Couple see signs for deer crossing, falling rock, then falling deer.
  • At coffee shop, patrons need foreign language lessons before ordering coffee.
  • Angels playing a soccer game rule against headers because the soccer ball jams in the angels' halos.

You searched for: obstacle