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You searched for: matchmaking

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A vampire goes on dating websites and refuses to date anyone with a thick skin.
  • Characters from famous paintings go through the Tunnel of Louvre.
  • Grover's pet peeve is cold hands.
  • A man is surprised to find that his date is a duck, since he thought she was just making a duck face in her profile picture.
  • Antelope is accused of photoshopping horns in profile pic.
  • A woman switches dating sites when picnics are only common interest with ant.
  • Nut mixer is a ripoff since the clientele is made up mostly of peanuts.
  • Crossword designer speaks in crossword puzzle when meeting new woman.
  • A dating service matches people up based on their car seat and mirror adjustments.
  • Cupid's arrows hit young couple in their heads but they fall in love with each other's hats.
  • Cupid practices to shoot people on a gun range.
  • A cricket player thinks a sign is for him, but it's for crickets.

You searched for: matchmaking