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You searched for: hair-cuts

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A barber scares his client at the barber shop when mentioning his coconut cutting reflex.
  • Some nursery rhymes updated for the modern era.
  • A man going through his life thinks his hair is imitating a dandelion.
  • The Betty Rubble Center provides rehab for troubled cartoons.
  • Han Solo steal's Chewbacca's hair to make a fur coat for Princess Leia.
  • Camels go to a camel hair brush store to get their hair done.
  • Lice watch Rapunzel at a stag party.
  • Candles on a birthday cake are about to have a bad hair day.
  • A man dies and has bad hair in his open casket.

You searched for: hair-cuts