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You searched for: champagne

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  • Autocorrected New Year’s texts spells noise maker noses, talkative champagne babbles, angry midnight mad knight & happy new rear butt implant surgery.
  • Bubbly sparkling wine bottle on laptop shocked genealogy website results not from Champagne region France.
  • Cat forgets New Year’s Eve party confetti but kitty guests cheer improvised shed pet hair midnight countdown celebration substitution.
  • Sparkling wine says Happy New Year to bottle but it pops cork & says spray it don’t say it.
  • Woman questions amount of time spent with Twitter.
  • Mother and child both find items while back to school shopping.
  • James Bond has to remember to not say "shaken not stirred" when ordering champagne.
  • After drinking at crazy New Year's Eve party, snowman thinks snowwoman has his torso.
  • Surgeons suggest not using confetti in the operating room for New Year's Celebration.
  • Wine bottle complains that bubbly personality of champagne bottle causes a headache.
  • A mattress company's manager thinks his employee is demonstrating the lack of motion transfer when he sees him drinking on a mattress.
  • At New Year's Eve party Mr. Bubble refuses champagne since he'd feel like a cannibal.

You searched for: champagne