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You searched for: cold

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  • Freezing cold guy drops pants in public exposing underwear embarrassing self to warm up.
  • Piggy bank says gesundheit to ill pig who sneezed coin slot money shot into ceiling above.
  • Man ill in bed with sickness all work week recovers to party in bar Friday night.
  • Ground hog in underground burrow slathers Groundhog’s Day shadow protecting SPF lotion on fur.
  • Penguin swimming in icy sea water tells hesitant bird on melting iceberg the water is still cold.
  • Icy snowstorm temps quickly freeze chilly bus commuter’s warm coffee cup to iced.
  • Dog mistakes twig for water nozzle & waits for drink in mouth but jet squirts wet butt surprise.
  • Cellphone’s online weather forecasts high, low & cold grocery store temperatures.
  • Grilled burger at BBQ warns single friend distant hamburger guy cold in the middle.
  • Bulky Michelin Man tire brand mascot sees popular winter puffer coats & thinks he’s an influencer.
  • Dog breaks New Year’s resolutions to be careful where puts cold nose, shocks showering owner sniffing nude bum.
  • Socks are convinced system is rigged when stockings get warm place by fire.

You searched for: cold