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You searched for: mold

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Scared pumpkins watch scary dead rotten squash movie Halloween 2 weeks later.
  • Wild leftover pizza animal in office scares employee returning to in-person work.
  • At high school reunion, fruits and vegetables are jealous Twinkie hasn't aged at all.
  • Work-Doh is a playdough that shapes your future.
  • Two bachelors live together, one into science, the other art.
  • Regular people do extreme sports like driving with a car full of balloons and eating leftovers from the back of the fridge.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy reaches puberty and grows mold on his chest.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy bakes himself a new girlfriend.
  • The Pillsbury Dough Boy gets covered in penicillin mold.
  • A manager tells an employee to put moldy old bread in the gift aisle as "Chia Loaves."
  • Instead of Penicillin, pharmacist at drug store substitutes moldy bread.
  • A man thinks beef has been dyed for St. Patrick's Day, but it's just spoiled.

You searched for: mold