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You searched for: fable

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Greedy King Midas jumps in swimming pool, belly flops painfully on hard golden metal water.
  • Canines cinema audience enjoys film of King Midas’s paw transforming dog into gross smelly garbage.
  • Marvel Avengers character Groot on laptop website debunks George Washington cherry tree and wooden teeth myths.
  • The emperor is easy to shop for because you can get him empty boxes and he'll think they're full of clothes.
  • Big pigs tell wolf he's got the wrong pigs.
  • Daffy Duck, Donald Duck, and Chickenhawk are the original angry birds.
  • Tortoise buys tranquilizer darts to ensure win in race against the hare.
  • Dog believes he is a goose that lays golden eggs as owner always collects his poop.
  • Fairytale of how to tell a true princess updated, The Princess and the Genetically-Enhanced Pea.
  • King Midas has a conversation with his accountant.
  • Goliath, from the tale of David and Goliath, had jerseys made up before hand for after his victory.
  • The Emperor has a wardrobe malfunction during a parade.

You searched for: fable