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You searched for: witchcraft

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  • Freezing witch brews coffee shop cold brew orders outside in snow.
  • Witch asks to discuss badly misspelled whiches poshun cauldron sign.
  • Daughter riding witches broomstick ready to take off practice training bristles.
  • Grocery store witch shops for eyes of newts egg carton potion ingredients.
  • Surprised witches with small magic cauldron say shrinking potion spell works.
  • Witch asks dog with pile of squeaky pet toys, balls and bones if has her wand.
  • Chameleons change color to fool witch brewing spell in cauldron into thinking jar is empty.
  • Marty Pants is out of luck in wizard battle when bookstore is out of stock of the book he needs to defeat the wizard Simon.
  • Newt at bar tells her friend to watch out for a newt guy giving her the eye and hitting on her.
  • Witch accidentally hits reply all while casting a spell in a duel and turns all of the other witches into frogs.
  • World of Wartcraft parodies World of Warcraft.
  • Witch selecting from too many eye of newt options at grocery store.

You searched for: witchcraft