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You searched for: warning

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  • Lawyer advises the Human Torch to wear a t-shirt with a warning that he is hot.
  • Date is warned that dog jumps on people but isn't aware of dog on ceiling fan.
  • Woman concerned at wisdom of lighting irregular fireworks.
  • Car with cat driver has bumper sticker that says driver may brake unexpectedly to briefly clean self.
  • Ventriloquist asks a girl out online and his dummy tells her to be careful.
  • Traffic signs warn bumper to bumper traffic to expect delays due to distracting highway messages.
  • Humpty Dumpty's legacy consists of a legal warning that the wall is high to prevent lawsuits.
  • Baby's playpen disclaimer averts the responsibility for damaged or stolen property.
  • Two parents wear riot gear to protect themselves from their daughter, who is about to turn 13.
  • A man roughhouses with a kitten, who gives him a black eye.
  • A cat uses a forklift after eating catnip.
  • Monkey in the zoo changes the sign so that people will feed him donuts.

You searched for: warning