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You searched for: victim

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  • Dangerous predator sharks’ misspelled free dolphins swimming beach sign tricks foolish swimmers.
  • Horrified snowmen hikers’ dog finds murdered victim’s gruesome stick arm found at forest trail crime scene.
  • Disgusted man watching television indifferent to gruesome gore violence is horrified actor chews food with mouth open.
  • Violent boot with knife chases scared shopper running out of clothing store advertising boot-cut jeans sign.
  • U.S.P.S. mail forever stamps’ immortality from Dracula stamp’s vampire fang bite.
  • Magazine kidnappers mail threatening letter written in cut paper letters of abducted victim.
  • Dracula vampire drinks cartoon Smurfs’ blue blood & invents Bluetooth fangs.
  • Scared oranges cinema audience watch OJ juicer murderer horror flick.
  • Police asks victim to pick only crotch kneeing criminal from line of kicked men.
  • Pine tree cops pull over car with kidnapped Xmas tree tied to roof.
  • Cop tells line up suspects to say attack the ball for popped basketball victim to identify aggressive fan.
  • Scary turkey with baster silhouetted in window in Baste Motel parody of Hitchcock’s movie Psycho.

You searched for: victim