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You searched for: vet

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  • Cats read self help books at a bookstore.
  • A dentist shows a woman how to brush her cat's teeth.
  • A woman puts a vacuum in her cat box so it's easier to get her cat to the vet.
  • A dog wants revenge on Bob Barker for a sign.
  • A dog gives a presentation on how to tell if you're going to the vet.
  • A dog notices that rain brings up worms and lies in it to bring up his worms.
  • Alien cats try to kidnap a man, but he sees the cat carrier and runs away.
  • A vet gives a woman medicine for her cat's condition and medicine for herself once she tries to give the cat its medicine.
  • A dog says he doesn't want a video of him being neutered to show up online.
  • People say things to scare a cat's hiccups away.
  • A dog warns a puppy that he'll never view thermometers the same way again after the vet.
  • A girl is going to have trouble passing her assignment because her dog ate it -- and so will the dog.

You searched for: vet