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You searched for: type

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A woman writes to IT because the words she type appear above her head.
  • T-shirts with emoticons on them are used to end spoken sentences
  • A man is confused by how to get to the Toys R Us website, because he cannot type a backwards R.
  • A man sits on top of his lap bottom computer.
  • A CIA agent's cat sleeps on the keyboard and writes cryptic emails.
  • A big letter wants to see more kerning in his daughters relationship.
  • The quick brown fox and lazy dog reenact the jump on television.
  • Ants find a large supply of food in a keyboard.
  • A man talks the way he chatted online, with typos.
  • A baby writes a review of how food makes her face look.
  • Woman busily typing on a computer accidentally deletes a file, and she reacts with anger by chopping the computer with an ax.

You searched for: type