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You searched for: tooth

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A beaver eats Pinocchio and is glad because he came with toothpicks.
  • George Washington's dentist calls an exterminator to work on his teeth.
  • A geriatric patient makes note to call dentist about missing dentures and doctor about pain in butt.
  • Godzilla gets a spinach truck stuck in his teeth.
  • A man notices food between his date's teeth, but doesn't realize his shirt is covered in food.
  • There's a lesser-known tooth fairy that takes the teeth of your combs.
  • The tooth fairy for sharks gets the most work.
  • Gumby sits in the waiting room of a gum disease specialist.
  • George Washington stole his wooden teeth from Pinocchio.
  • A woman flosses with her necklace at a date.
  • Bugs Bunny sleeps in his room with his buck teeth in a cup of denture cleaner next to him.
  • Product failures chunky pulp milk, caffeinated baby formula, salty Dr Pepper soda, Lee Press-On nose hair, sugar sweet toothpaste, stinky tuna Chicken of the Sea fish perfume, spicy cajun Preparation-H, gross leftover parts chicken soup, vegetable flavor popsicles & feline sleeping pills for insomniac cats.

You searched for: tooth