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You searched for: time

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  • A clock doesn't care about the gender of her child, just that it has one long hand and one short hand.
  • A caterpillar's date goes upstairs to change and takes forever because she's turning into a butterfly.
  • A man is 12 minutes late for his appointment, which annoys his doctor, who wanted to make him wait 45 minutes.
  • A man says he doesn't believe in fate, but a clock is about to fall on him.
  • Cats go to a lecture to learn time management.
  • Ernest has a lot of clocks piled on his hands in the Clocks-R-Us store room because of sloppy stacking of the clocks.
  • Bees playing basketball, one bee asks another if he just heard the buzzer, bee says, "Who can tell'" because of all the buzzing bees.
  • One clock tells another he's going to ask out Clara in accounting because he's heard she's pretty fast.
  • Man wonders if there is any hope since he met another girl who won't give him time of day, girl's wearing several clocks and watches.
  • Employees at a meeting to improve productivity, one employee suggests skipping these kind of meetings and instead start doing some work.

You searched for: time