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You searched for: stories

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  • Prozac turns the Mad Hatter into the Well-Adjusted Hatter.
  • The big bad wolf's wife yells at him for not chewing his food after Little Red Riding Hood's mother survives him eating her.
  • Pandora is the reluctant pioneer of thinking outside the box.
  • The Big Bad Wolf gets liposuction and the three little pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, and a grandmother come out of his stomach.
  • Little Miss Muffett crushes the spider that scares her.
  • The anatomy of the brain of a new parent.
  • A bee sermon called "Recognizing the Face of Evil" is about Winnie the Pooh.
  • Beatrix Potter realizes she should have added spices when cooking Pigling Bland.
  • Hansel and Gretel go in the Gingerbread Chatroom online.
  • A hare looks at an ewe and a kid.
  • Cinderella's fairy godmother warns her about her spells' midnight compatibility.
  • Flea claims to have been to woodstock the bird but no one believes him.

You searched for: stories