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You searched for: stick

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  • Fly paper catches pixies as well as flies.
  • Painting one's portrait was the original selfie stick.
  • Snowman with longest stick arms volunteers to take selfie of group.
  • Santa curses drones that hit his reindeers while flying.
  • Bite Guard to repel vampires parodies men's Right Guard deodorant.
  • Pinocchio and Jiminy Cricket use selfie stick because of long nose.
  • A butter lawyer asks a defendant to identify a butter knife.
  • A lego figure tells his therapist that he has nightmares where his feet are stuck to the floor.
  • It's raining so hard that swordfish and porcupines come out of the sky.
  • People learning how to use a pinata hit each other by accident.

You searched for: stick