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You searched for: religion

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  • A man does armpit farts at the god of thunder tryouts.
  • Noah is supposed to bring 2 of each animal, but he brings lots of cats at his wife's insistence.
  • The snake in the garden of Eden can't convince his kids to eat an apple.
  • Adam and Eve get kicked out of the Garden of Eden, but now they have apples and can try Adam's apple strudel recipe.
  • A mashmallow preacher warns his followers that they will burn in S'Mores Hell if they don't repent.
  • An angel in heaven has a halo with horns.
  • Adam makes ribs for dinner and Eve is offended.
  • Moses wants god to text him the commandments instead of giving them to him on tablets.
  • Noah loads his arc with chipmunks as food.
  • Santa is a suspect of a crime at a Jewish house.
  • Adam reminds God that he can use his 23 other ribs to create more women.
  • Devil's inbox overflows with sinners while outbox remains empty.

You searched for: religion