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You searched for: relax

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Doctor prescribes fluids for fish, but the fish die because they drank their bowl water.
  • An alligator eats Frank Perdue and thinks he tastes like chicken.
  • Mr. Clean's house is a huge mess on his day off.
  • Tube of toothpaste asks for massage that squeezes from the bottom and flattens as it goes up,
  • A man asks a woman at a bar "How are you'" and she talks too much.
  • Chickens know when to turn over while tanning because they have pop-up thermometers.
  • A scientist investigates ways to survive the depleted ozone layer by working on her tan.
  • Spaghetti noodles think a pot of boiling water is a relaxing hot tub.

You searched for: relax