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You searched for: relationship

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  • A revolver sits in chair watching TV while thinking how he doesn't need a date because it's good to watch TV alone every weekend.
  • Werewolf examines a bottle of moon block, realizing that it must be applied evenly since he has experienced a partial transformation under the full moon.
  • A man and woman walk alone, holding hands, and the woman believes the man is thinking about romance when he's actually thinking about The Simpsons.
  • One shark explains to another how her partner threatened to leave if she didn't share her scuba diver meal, so she gave him the finger.
  • Flight attendant, sensing turbulence in the relationship, puts her tray in an upright position - right in her boyfriend's face.
  • Man on one knee proposing to girlfriend opens ring box to reveal a ringworm - a ring with a worm coming out of it.
  • Dinosaur wife tells husband that if he eats the baked bean factory, he is sleeping on the couch.
  • Derek recovered and only needed 7 stitches after asking girlfriend, who has a large beak, for just one kiss, a peck on the cheek.
  • One mosquito tells another that maybe he shouldn't have given her a hickey because she is rubbing calamine lotion on the bite for the itch.
  • Dentist tells Dracula he wouldn't have to drill if the vampire would stop dating women with high blood sugar.
  • One house tells another that the female house on the corner is nice to look at, but there isn't much upstairs.
  • Wife gives husband birthday gift of dent puller, touch-up paint, and auto body gift certificate, he asks if there's something she needs to tell him.

You searched for: relationship