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You searched for: regrets

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  • Robot wins election due to unreliable electonic voting machines.
  • Gotham uses embarrassing pictures of Batman as a better Bat Signal so that Batman will come quicker.
  • Spiders lose at basketball to daddy longlegs.
  • People wear visors to protect from flying corks on New Year's.
  • A couple goes to get a marriage license.
  • A man makes a mistake and doesn't get a hands free cell phone.
  • A woman doesn't regret she can't attend a party.
  • Three French hens speak only French.
  • A woman regrets installing Flash to her computer because it flashes her in a little trench coat.
  • A woman regrets flying coach because she's surrounded by big, smelly sports coaches.
  • The Michelin Man dies after trying to get a belly button piercing.
  • Dr. Jekyll wakes up in the morning wondering what Mr. Hyde pierced or tattooed on his body the night before.

You searched for: regrets