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You searched for: punishes

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Student uses copy and paste functions to write lines on a smartboard.
  • The Chamber of Commerce is torture chamber for money.
  • Man cannot roll up online newspaper so dog has freedom to misbehave.
  • Dog tells wife she can't yell at him for making mess unless he's caught in the act.
  • A kid in his messy bedroom gauges his own homeland security, rating mom's empty threat level.
  • Irony Soap is designed to wash out the mouths of people who swear.
  • A chameleon mother looks for her kids, who changed color to blend into the living room.
  • One pair of pliers tells another pair of pliers that Billy is being punished and can't come out and ply, instead of play.

You searched for: punishes