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You searched for: powerful

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Man & cat shopping at tech store tell salesperson they want a powerful & comfortable laptop.
  • Young Clark Kent hits piñata treats straight into space.
  • Prince Kong rejoices that he'll finally be king with King Kong's death.
  • Paper has to go to the doctor after trying to beat a rock at rock, paper, scissors.
  • A man lobbies a politician to finance more foyers.
  • Laptop needed a surge protector when seeing attractive female.
  • Woman's sneeze causes laptop screen to snap back.
  • Nurse suctioning incision sucks patient's face from the inside.
  • Superman has muscle spasms and destroyed a city street.
  • Power Bar crashes customer into the walls as it shoots out of vending machine.
  • A room ends up demolished after a man takes a power nap.
  • Superman has to stop trusting people as far as he can throw them.

You searched for: powerful