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You searched for: offensive

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  • Husband fish tells wife fish that fishing story is not true and that she is not that big.
  • Insulted waiter spits in food and bird recalls food like mother made.
  • Kangaroo thinks baby is in pouch but kangaroo is just fat.
  • Hypnotist tells patient her eyelids are getting heavy but patient is insulted about eyelids being overweight.
  • A group of ducks complains that Chuck Berry's duck walk is offensive.
  • A woman at a nudist camp threatens to kick a man where the sun shines.
  • A man calls for his dog, Fat Moron Pig, and gets beat up.
  • A football player knows the opposing team will go deep because one of them is wearing scuba gear.
  • One shark explains to another how her partner threatened to leave if she didn't share her scuba diver meal, so she gave him the finger.
  • Flight attendant, sensing turbulence in the relationship, puts her tray in an upright position - right in her boyfriend's face.
  • Two male bars of soap jeer at female soap, one asking if she wants to talk clean, one saying she can lather him up anytime.

You searched for: offensive