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You searched for: nitpick

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Sabertooth tigers have an argument because they're bad kissers.
  • A dog complains that trash bags are empty.
  • A dog has spots that spell out "I <3 Cats"
  • A tootsie roll thinks the Hershey kisses that visited were too affectionate.
  • A magician can't do his trick right because his rabbit is too fat.
  • A whale goes on a date with a whale who mouth-breathes instead of using his blowhole.
  • A cat complains that his food is dried out, but his waiter says it's because he hasn't touched it in 6 hours.
  • A man complains that his wife forced him to go to the doctor, but he has a ladder imbedded in his head.
  • An anteater in a restaurant complains because there's a fly in his ants.
  • The cartoonist lets his family come up with ideas for his father's day cartoon.
  • A monitor in a hospital charts the nurse's patience with her patient.
  • Snapping turtles yell at each other.

You searched for: nitpick