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You searched for: messaging

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  • Mime on smartphone sees blank text message replies.
  • Santa uses HOL when texting -- Hoing Out Loud.
  • A theme park closes because no one liked the grim reaper theme.
  • A woman thinks a man is lame for having nothing better to do than IM her on a Saturday night, but then she realizes she's doing the same thing.
  • A dog gets a text and can't tell if it's a sarcastic woof or not.
  • The Scream is so upset because he accidentally sent a Reply All email.
  • Instead of praying, congregation clicks their mobile devices.
  • Mother doing laundry receives crying text message from baby.
  • D-mail will allow people to send messages while dreaming.
  • The email battle between manually typing and auto fill is on, starring Manual-Lee versus Otto-Phil.
  • T-shirts with emoticons on them are used to end spoken sentences
  • A Native American recieves smoke signals by fax.

You searched for: messaging