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You searched for: mean

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Bullied guy gets payback at beach sand kicking jerk with potato chips crumb pecking sea gulls.
  • Self-conscious singular dice at party unsure if die welcoming board game pieces are friends or threatening death.
  • Hammer tail shark complains to hammerhead rude ass name bullying worse in comparison.
  • Misbehaving kitty cat plays gross & messy feline bingo games destroying house and hurting owner each day.
  • Cruel snow manager’s carrot nose stick work motivation method frustrates snowmen office workers.
  • Married Sasquatch husband on cellphone thinks insulting big fool text isn’t autocorrected.
  • Tricked owner says leg rubbing cats affectionate but bad kitty hides to trip owners carrying dinner plates on purpose to spill food.
  • Racist green holly leaf hates red, yellow, orange leaves until its autumn foliage colors change unexpectedly.
  • Angry cafe customer complains to barista about insulting pumpkin spite coffee cup sticking out tongue.
  • Dog’s cold nose tells veterinarian checking temperature she will die alone.
  • Rude garden shears tells saw hammer’s not sharpest tool in the shed but it’s not supposed to be.
  • Mad celebrity on cellphone at dinner ironically criticizes bad reviews online then says roast chicken is dried out.

You searched for: mean