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You searched for: keys

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cow loses keys while jumping over the moon.
  • Dad says son can have the car keys but not the car.
  • A sardine can that comes with a remote control for keyless entry.
  • A voice mail system tells you what buttons to push if you want to swear at it.
  • A really useful search engine would be one that can locate our keys.
  • The Betty Rubble Center for Recovering Toons serves cartoons instead of celebrities.
  • A boy gets a tattoo of the 'danger' symbol, then can't get the car keys from his father.
  • Dali's later work is Perpetuity of Forgetfulness, with items he keeps losing.
  • The CD packaging company is incredibly hard to get into.
  • A key hides from his wife in the garage.
  • A man drops his keys in the snow and they become hard to find.
  • A woman uses a 'Clueless Entry System' after she forgets her car keys.

You searched for: keys