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You searched for: jail

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Jack Frost goes to jail because he forgot to take his medication and bit people's noses off instead of nipping them.
  • Police arrest consumers who didn't follow consumer product directions.
  • Pens plot to bust out a pen chained to a bank table.
  • Police mistake Popeye's spinach for marijuana.
  • People in a prison correct each other.
  • A cat uses its owner's nail file to escape his box at the vet.
  • An egg tries to make a break for it, but just breaks.
  • Prison inmate tells visitor to bake him a cake with a file in it, not for escaping, but for filing his ragged nails.
  • Two envelopes are talking about how Betty's husband got sent away.

You searched for: jail