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You searched for: forgetting

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  • Forgetful older global positioning system’s outdated directions confuses lost car driver.
  • Generous fish forget giving each other same Christmas present again.
  • Older werewolf man sees full moon and transforms but stops when forgets what he was doing.
  • Woman gardening is disappointed talking forget me not flowers can’t remember her name.
  • Faceless man at party saying not good with names but never forgets a face realizes his is missing.
  • Confused telecommuting workers on online Zoom meeting can’t decide what day it is.
  • Lawyer can’t remember who he is on long list of law office’s names.
  • Traumatized memory foam mattress tells therapist it can’t forget the things it’s seen.
  • Bird watching Netflix in nest realizes it’s late flying south for winter but woman says it’s first robin of spring.
  • Smartphone is annoyed by other cellphone that can’t remember its name.
  • Man talking on smartphone can’t remember where he left his phone but it’s in his hand.
  • Easter Bunny tells man at bar he hasn’t hidden eggs in years, he forgets where he left them.

You searched for: forgetting