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You searched for: fertilizer

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Houseplants couple talking on phones have sexy conversation about moist & fertilized gardening soil.
  • Environmentally friendly dog writes list of more walks, eat garbage, poop plant fertilizer conservation plans.
  • Flowers treat for hitting piñata would be manure fertilizer.
  • Johnny Appleseed's partner is his pooping dog Maggie Fertilizer.

  • Homeowner puts poison signs on lawn to deter dogs from peeing and pooping on lawn.
  • Clifford the Big Red Dog's poop fertilizes the lawn so much that it is overgrown.
  • Noah goes into the fertilizer business because his boat is full of poop after 40 days and 40 nights.
  • It's easy to find a water leak because plants are growing above it.
  • A horse looks at fertilizer in a store.
  • A dog spills fertilizer on the carpet, so he has to rub his own nose in it.
  • A bat parent watching TV complains that prime time is just guano jokes these days.
  • The Green Giant puts compost on his head to get his hair to grow again.

You searched for: fertilizer