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You searched for: eats

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  • Lewis, copes with being eaten by a snake by going on with his daily life, even though he's still stuck in the snake's belly.
  • Godzilla tastes huge pot of food that contains Gilligan, Mary-Ann, and others, and says it tastes good, it just needs a little bit of Ginger.
  • Earthworm sees bird pulling on tail of a worm from a hole in the ground, and he hopes that it isn't him.
  • Man tells friend that snakes feeling slimy is a myth, not seeing that snake swallowed friend, and friend thinks snakes feel slimy from the inside.
  • Felicia the cat plans her day, including sleep, trigonometric equations, developing theorems, eating, long division, and sleep, each activity in different positions.
  • Horse is terrified because the old lady who swallowed a fly and spider is coming, knows song ends with old lady swallowing horse and dying.
  • Two felines dining out in restaurant, one cat is embarrassed because he laughed and food came out his nose, mouse is hanging out of nose.

  • Woman tells friend she goes into isolation chamber in her home when she wants to make tuna sandwich because she has house full of cats.
  • Two cats on date, one cat thinks the other is embarrassing because he ordered white wine with gerbils.
  • Popeye on the phone with mom telling her he appreciates her negotiating his contract except for the clause having him eat spinach in each episode.
  • Woman at dinner table tells guest not to mind Rufus the dog, he's being possessive because man is eating from bowl Rufus usually eats from.
  • Man tells wife, Emma, they are returning the Alpo aftershave because dog has him in his mouth.

You searched for: eats