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You searched for: discover

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  • Ghost watching clouds sees mom ghost spying on her as a cloud.
  • Skeleton wife discovers husband visits racy Internet sites like Bare Bones.
  • Dog posing as Garfield online gets caught by messing up likes and dislikes.
  • Thief steals car decorated for just married couple and wonders how cop found him so quickly.
  • Tortoise buys tranquilizer darts to ensure win in race against the hare.
  • Ms. PacMan discovers PacMan wearing her bows when she comes home.
  • Giant spider and web lead researchers to believe mummies were actually spider's prey.
  • In a perfect world, during the walk to find a cure, the cure would be on the ground.
  • Teacher thinks it will be hard to catch students reading comic books on ereaders.
  • Sherlock Holmes thinks a thief stole Watson's clothes when found naked in his fiance's closet.
  • Doctors were wrong about patient's cyst and discovered a baby instead.
  • Man finds creature in his black legumes.

You searched for: discover