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You searched for: bbqs

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • A man wearing a "Master Chef"' apron is given a false advertising lawsuit by a lawyer.
  • A cow visiting a fortune teller gets a fortune about being cooked on hot coals.
  • Stick-on replacement eyebrows being sold next to barbecue charcoal lighter fluid.
  • A hot dog is striped by the grill after Labor Day.
  • A man using the George Hamilton Grill always have overdone food.
  • An ad is for videos about grills gone wild.
  • Dogs rig a man's grill spatula so he'll drop food for them.
  • A spider has mesquite grilled mosquitoes for dinner.
  • A grill takes an anti-inflammatory, then won't ignite.
  • A man adds Worcestershire sauce to s'mores, making them n'mores.
  • A devil in Hell has trouble getting his grill to light.
  • A hot dog asks if he can put three little holes in a witness before grilling him.

You searched for: bbqs