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You searched for: ants

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  • An anteater makes Thanksgiving stuffing out of ants.
  • An anteater in a restaurant complains because there's a fly in his ants.
  • Ant gyms measure their weights in terms of times body weight.
  • An ant stuck to an anteater's tongue and a fly stuck to a frog's tongue promise to never let go.
  • Paul is different from the other anteaters because he eats rabbits.
  • Ants arrange themselves in a checkered pattern on a picnic blanket.
  • A woman switches dating sites when picnics are only common interest with ant.
  • Leaf cutter ants carrying halves of a heart know they are a perfect match.
  • Man has giant ants trying on his pants.
  • Anteater has blind date with bird who eats ants.
  • Doctor thinks baby looks like a cross between an alien and an ant while using a Rorschach inkblot ultrasound test.

  • Researchers in the bush find both an anteater and its rare relative the antdrinker.

You searched for: ants