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You searched for: convention

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  • Emojis get together at the Emoti-con convention.
  • At the Starbucks convention, all the name tags are misspelled names.
  • Furry forest critters gather for the fleshy convention dressed as people.
  • Sea creatures interrupt earth day speeches insisting they need more say.
  • A young godzilla doesn't like having to eat vegetarians.
  • How to deal with air pockets in the pool is discussed at a convention.
  • Shirt sellers can't figure out how to sell shirts to the guys who get arrested on COPS.
  • Dentists and Manicurists both want to have a convention at the same auditorium.
  • Telemarketers go to a convention and see the latest in seat pressure transponders.
  • Get a photo of Bobby Knight putting you in a chokehold.
  • Mathematicians use math terms in general conversation at their convention.
  • A woman wants to remember Hugh Schnozolla's name but doesn't notice his giant nose.

You searched for: convention