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You searched for: crime

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  • Consumer criminals wore bowling shirt playing pool, used table spoon at counter, ate cold cuts room temp & used baby powder when old in product crimes.
  • Police asks victim to pick only crotch kneeing criminal from line of kicked men.
  • Criminal customers eat deli lunch meats at dinner, wore sun dress in cloudy weather, spread jelly with butter knife & walking in running sneakers.
  • Business man with arms and legs poking out inside body is subject of an internal investigation.
  • Cat harasses owner eating, trespasses kitchen counters, grooms exposed butt indecently & mugs adorable faces.
  • Pine tree cops pull over car with kidnapped Xmas tree tied to roof.
  • Zombie suspect throws hands at police officer when he says to put hands where he can see them.
  • Old Spider Man’s web-shooter malfunctions missing bank robber.
  • Pet owner sees wet footprints evidence path from empty fish bowl to guilty cat pretending to sleep.
  • Upset Loch Ness Monster’s home ransacked by robbers because lockless door unlocked.
  • Criminal consumers arrested for eating sharing size candy, playing Words With Friends game with strangers, coffee in a tea cup and blowing nose on toilet paper.

  • Cats commit crimes vandalizing torn curtains, dangerous speeding downstairs, breaking and entering treats, and shedding fur napping in laundry basket.

You searched for: crime