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You searched for: undercover

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Peanut butter Reeses candy police officer tattoos letter M disguise as undercover M & M chocolate.
  • Fruit cops say peach being painfully waxed is brave to go undercover as nectarine.
  • Angel discovers halos above head are actually spy drones.
  • Peepsi covert cola parodies Pepsi cola.
  • Secret agent tells unicorn that if anything goes wrong on the mission, they will deny he exists.
  • Mosquitos disguise themselves as ladybugs to get better access to people's skin.
  • Whack-a-mole, Mafia style
  • A new toothbrush camera shows if you really brushed your teeth.
  • Old Mother Hubbard's dog hires a private investigator to see if she's hiding food from him.
  • If a bird spy is captured by the enemy, he has to swallow instant rice.
  • A surgeon operates on a bee while FBI agents watch through the window and he realizes he's entangled in a sting operation.

You searched for: undercover