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You searched for: sarcasm

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Bats family mom scolds ear rolling child complaining at bed time.
  • Messy colored Easter egg on laptop attempts internet style instructions but white egg is unimpressed with results.
  • Dung beetle is tired of homemade Christmas gifts.
  • A dog gets a text and can't tell if it's a sarcastic woof or not.
  • Wife misinterprets husband's "obvious" crossword answer.
  • Man rips pages out of puppy training book to protect carpet.
  • Snowmen playing golf in snow loses coal golf balls.
  • Frosty the Snowman is in an accident and needs an infusion of ice water.
  • A fish can sleep, but looks like he is paying attention while she chats.

You searched for: sarcasm