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You searched for: walk

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  • Dog runs and shakes in excitement for a walk but is exhausted before leaving home.
  • Man asks if cruel dog that says he’s unloveable bites & lady answers in her own way.
  • Pet owner walks in awkward chair squat to appointment with kitty asleep on lap.
  • Guy’s smartwatch says time to move so literally he packs and moves his home.
  • Dog walking on leash says it loves world of funny looking dogs mirror shop.
  • Weightlifting fish left behind by evolved fish with feet on land regrets skipping leg day exercises.
  • Stealthy Ninja Sloth’s Fit Bit fitness tracker delivery quickly achieves 10,000 steps goal while hanging motionless.
  • Dogs couple girlfriend wonders if boyfriend loves her or treats in her coat pockets.
  • Dining dog pays for dinner, says least can do after owner picking up poop.
  • Exposed body mummy unravels wrapping walking pet dog in Egypt desert.
  • Dog on walk with owner with many poop bags says woke up & knew be a productive day.
  • Godzilla on smartphone fitness tracker app reaches stepped on daily destruction goals.

You searched for: walk