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You searched for: tech support

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Hacker Christmas elf on laptop disables security cameras, alarms and distracts guard dog with bone for Santa delivering toys.
  • Cartoonist on phone with technical support says he pressed undo but permanent Sharpie marker wont erase from drawing tablet screen.
  • Snowflake's phone is protected with shape recognition.
  • Mother calls tech support to adjust her baby and pets' internal clocks, which don't recognize daylight savings.
  • Motherboard acts like a mother and tells employee to go outside.
  • A woman writes to IT because the words she type appear above her head.
  • A customer service agent breaks down on the stand at court, revealing that people's calls didn't matter to him.
  • A printer stops working because the paper is jamming.
  • We would name our computers the curse and swear words we call then when they don't work correctly.
  • A test of the Virtual Dentist hardware, using the Virtual Optometrist software.
  • Dr. Frankenstein calls neck support after the monster's head falls off.

You searched for: tech support