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You searched for: quiet

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  • Leaf falling outside tempts peeking dog to break less barking New Year’s Resolution goal.
  • Russian nesting doll mother tells yelling kid to use inside inside inside voice.
  • Rebellious termite carpenter builds wooden furniture, gourmet grub eats fancy meals, tick has no nervous habits & quiet meditating cicada takes vow of silence.
  • Pet owner sleeps to peaceful white noise but wakes to orange kitty’s annoying morning meows.
  • Cop says arrested man has right to remain silent but criminal says smelly fart smell was his idea.
  • Tenant says silent pets permitted by landlord’s misspelled no cats aloud apartments rule sign.
  • Dogs watch canine mime act stuck in imaginary kennel street performance entertainment.
  • Mime in invisible box & cute mimes costume puppy panting pantomime performance comparison.
  • Rebelling insects enjoy unexpected choices, potato bug eats rice, fragrant stink bug wears Chanel, wild partying recluse spider & grasshopper skipping.

  • Computer tells partying open screens laptops guest socially anxious closed friend not good at parties.
  • Ironic sleazy guy at bar leering at ladies personality easier to read than indecipherable writing tattooed man.
  • Shy personality introverted inferno and wild outgoing outferno fire flames party with devils in hell.

You searched for: quiet