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You searched for: promotion

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Man gets scribble drawing face tattoo at take your child to work day special tattoo parlor.
  • Grocery shopping dog buys canned pet food marketed with more disgusting horrible taste for dogs.
  • Shark will one day smash glass ceiling of glassbottom boat.
  • A man buys something from a Buy One Get One sale and wonders why it seemed like a bargain.
  • Milton's insulting status update about his boss keeps him from getting a raise.
  • Mayfly is asked to visualize self in five minutes in terms of career.
  • City tries bad idea of turning all stoplights green for St. Patrick's Day.
  • Several music advisory stickers that would be useful on music cd covers.
  • A manager gets promoted across the city, not in her office.
  • A cat claws its way to the top of a curtain.
  • An ice cube goes from a tray cubicle to a glass window office.
  • A crab gets a new position at the company, but it's a lateral move.

You searched for: promotion