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You searched for: pooh

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  • The Betty Rubble Center for Recovering Toons serves cartoons instead of celebrities.
  • Eeyore is put over a city in an attempt to get a rain cloud to follow.

  • The Hundred Acre Wood is reduced to a hundredth of an acre during a suburban sprawl.
  • Winnie the Pooh writes a haiku about honey.
  • A bee sermon called "Recognizing the Face of Evil" is about Winnie the Pooh.
  • Piglet gets genetic tests for stuttering and finds out that Porky Pig is his dad.
  • Tigger's mother dislikes being pregnant with him because he bounces around so much.
  • Piglet spills honey on himself and Pooh decides to make honey-roasted ham.
  • Betty Rubble Center treats toons for their vices.
  • Oscar the grouch, Barney, Sylvester and Eeyore pick unsuitable jobs that end their careers.
  • A couple at an Asian restaurant receives a platter with Winnie the Pooh on it instead of a poo-poo platter.

You searched for: pooh