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You searched for: jewelry

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Proud gemstone parents see infant birthstone jewels in bassinets at hospital nursery.
  • Shocked leprechaun’s pot of gold stolen by slow St. Patrick’s Day ninja sloth thief dressed in expensive jewels & bling.

  • Cat with nine diamond rings asks cat to marry at romantic picnic marriage proposal.
  • Excited cat prefers crumpled paper gift wrap to diamond collar birthday present.
  • The gold chain Jason gives his wife is for the chainsaw.
  • Besides the disco ball, there are other balls like the punk ball and the country ball.
  • A woman is confused how her husband has so many reward points at the jewelry store, because he spent lots of money there on other women.
  • Cupid tries to shoot two punks to make them fall in love, but his arrows keep hitting their piercings.
  • Young turkeys get their wattles pierced.
  • The Girl with the Pearl Earring gets a bunch of facial piercings.
  • Mixed grill comes from farm animals with tooth jewelry.
  • A smart vacuum keeps you from vacuuming legos and rings.

You searched for: jewelry