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You searched for: gray

Click on a cartoon for a larger view and find out how to order for your projects.
  • Cloud gives same stratus weather update.
  • Chameleon criticizes book for covering only 50 shades of grey.
  • Instead of 50 Shades of Gray, elderly woman has 50 shedding grey cats.
  • Street dirt is a spray tan for snowmen.
  • Doctor loses bet over length of patient's intestine.
  • A parody of Golden Grahams cereal called Golden Grammys.
  • Dr. Gray proves in scientific experiment that blood is thicker than water when blood doesn't get the
  • A plastic surgeon raises suspicion of jury tampering because of the large number of breast enlargements.
  • Grecian Formula hair dye is spilt near gray seals, giving them a new color and nearly causing extinction.
  • A doctor treats dry eyes with the controversial method of insulting patients.
  • Monster loves the salt and pepper hair of the retirement home.
  • A man on the comics page tries to whiten his teeth, but has no luck.

You searched for: gray